- A Welcoming Home for all Miller Place Voices -

Every Child, One Voice


Tuesday, October 8


Tuesday, October 8


If your child participated in our PTA Summer Art Contest, your child will be acknowledged & honored at our Art Award Ceremony! 

Please join us at the start of our first PTA meeting to celebrate our little artists!

Starting promptly at 7pm

in the NCR Library


You're not required to RSVP!  But if you'd like to let us know you're coming, feel free to drop us an email at millerplacepk5pta@gmail.com. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Do I need to RSVP?

No. All children should be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Can I drop my child off?

Yes!  We will be honoring all students who participated in our Summer Art Program.

We're excited to celebrate all our little Miller Place artists!

Will all participants in the Summer Art Contest be acknowledged?

PTA has selected 2 pieces of art from the PreK-5 age group & 2 pieces of art from the grades 6-12 age group to feature, but rest assured that ALL students who participated will be acknowledged & celebrated!

Will there be a winner?

To become a member of our Miller Place PreK-5 PTA, please click here & for Miller Place 6-12 PTSA, please click here.

Then, select "standard membership" if you're a parent or other community member.  We'd love to have you!

I'd like to become a PTA member. How do I sign up?

Yes!  The Award Ceremony is open to the community, and proud grandparents are more than welcome to attend!

The grandparents etc would be proud to attend the Award Ceremony.  Are they permitted?

Please stay for our first PreK-5 PTA meeting, which will be taking place immediately after the Award Ceremony concludes.  

You'll be introduced to the board, as well as discuss event scheduling for the year!  Finally, members will be invited to stay for a budget vote.

Immediately after the PreK-5 PTA meeting, you're invited to stay for the 6-12 PTSA meeting.  

What will happen after the Award Ceremony?


Stay in the Loop

Proudly affiliated with the Suffolk County Region PTA, a division of the NY State PTA and the National PTA

Serving the MP community.
Empowering excellence today,
developing tomorrow's achievers,
forever MP proud.